
Where am I? I can’t hear a sound!
Am I above or under the ground?
Closed my eyes last night, fell asleep in my bed,
awakened by a nightmare, believing I was dead.

I’m blinded by darkness, I can’t see a thing,
caught in the moment, as to what the night brings?
Trying to move but my body won’t budge,
lacking support, as if holding a grudge.

Reaching all about me, trying to get out,
pushed it to the limit but still can’t move about.
Struggling and panicked now, gasping for air,
intense is the darkness, breeding fear and despair.

I’ve tried tossing, turning, moving up and down,
there has got to be an escape, somewhere around?
As I frantically searched and sought to be free,
pitted with gut feeling, there’s no escape for me.

I’m feeling the cold as it tingles my feet,
my toes are all numb and falling asleep.
Praying now, to be forgiven all my sins,
for in this game of life, I surely cannot win.