Oh rise beyond the mountain,you beautiful ball of fire.
Light beams on my face, warming me with desire.
Let me feel the energy that lives within the light,
heal me,feel me,yield me and fill me with delight.
I see life all about me, the trees, the leaves and grass.
They seem to thrive on energy, that only sunlight casts.
As if reaching outwards, demanding room to grow,
no knowledge of human lives, no room for status quo.
To live and believe,you’re destined for fate
or to be a eaf on a tree, where life seems a waste?
But to a leaf, the greatest gift of all,
is the life the light gives ’til its inevitable fall!
And as quickly as you ‘re given the gift to live,
so begone the energy that only sunlight gives.
With each death brings a continuation of life,
brought forth by the power, the creator, light.